Saturday, January 23, 2021

What Have I Done to Deserve This?

 Nothing, really. In fact, I have done more than I should, sacrifice more than I could. And then, our of the blue, the winter is coming. No precautions, no warning signs, just the calm before the storm. I can take it, but maybe, the others can't, and deservedly so. Nowadays, loyalty means laziness, unwillingness to change, or rejection to move from one's comfort zone. Ever hear of an old saying that a captain never leaves the sinking ship? We make mistakes by assuming that we all are the captain of the ship. All this time we are trapped inside this bubble, while our ship is sinking, right into the ocean's bottom. Whether the ocean is red or blue doesn't matter now. We still hope the bubble will eventually floats, instead it cracks and blow suddenly before our eyes. It's too late to try to swim back up or try to find the saving device. 

Tuesday, January 05, 2021

It's 20-21, or just 11-12?

 A new year, yet stay the same. No one expected 2020 to be so bleak. An outbreak with no end in sight, especially in this country, where the people safety is not the top priority. A completely wrong policy to handle the pandemi caused prolonged suffer. We become tired of limitations, while the disease spreads faster than ever. The national lockdown is not existed, local lockdowns are useless, and finally, we are left to our own devices. It' feels like a queue to the great beyond, we just wait for our turns to come, with no knowledge of where we stand. Well, at least we will get vaccination for free, right? Well, back to the queue my dear. There's no guarantee if we are going to make it. Hope time will prove me wrong.