Sunday, January 29, 2012

12 (When the Days Are Numbered)

What's the difference between 12 years and 12 months? It's blatantly obvious some might say. What if someone told you (or someone close to you) that you can not last any longer, your days are numbered, and there's nothing in anyone of this world's power to prevent it? And that someone happens to be a doctor, a competent one actually, not a psychic, oracle, or a supernatural mumbo-jumbo. I once heard a song that said:" It's easier to leave than to be left behind". and damn right it is. I have many things in life to be regretted, but I have to move on. I have learned the hard way that sometimes life cannot be planned, especially when it concerns someone else, and you just have to accept it. In fact, I've already stopped making plans, for a while now. It turn out that whether you planned it, or just take it for granted, life always surprises you. Nobody lives forever, so everyone might as well take a seat and just enjoy the ride.

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